Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hittin The Wall

Quitting is not the appropriate response to the fear of failing. At some point in each of our lives, we will fail. It's an inevitable fact. Whether it be in our relationships, careers, education, athletics, we will all fail at least once in our lives, probably in each of those categories.And when we see failure as being a probable outcome, it is easy to sometimes go with a more definite, safe option. By doing so, however, we are very much limiting our growth as human beings. By taking the easy route, the route heavily traveled, we will never reach our full potential. It is more disgraceful to quit in the face of obstruction than to fail trying to climb over it. It is more beautiful and rewarding to succeed at something unlikely than to coast through something certain. If we never challenge ourselves, we will never better ourselves or the people around us. There would not be growth in any field if we never branched out from the known. If we take the easy road every time, the world will be no different when we leave as when we entered. And it all will have been for nothing.

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